Discover the magic of physical activity & life-style changes
Who is Karen?
In 2015, Karen was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis, OA. In the present day, she maintains OA in four joints and her lower back through a daily regimen of physical activity and a healthy life-style. With a total hip replacement, THR in 2021. Other joints will need a replacement, eventually. As a highly motivated individual, she continues to maintain her status as an elite athlete by adhering to these website recommendations.
This website is a reflection of personal experiences and an OA resource which has been supported by both personal experience, professional medical advise and authoritative references. As someone who has lost over 200 pounds in weight, it is hoped these experiences and resources will provide benefit to you to.
Karen is a graduate student at Master’s level and has previously completed designated certificate courses as a Certified Nutrition Coach, CNC, Certified Exercise Specialist, CES along with Harvard Medical School Nutrition & Exercise certificates. She also holds a Bachelor of Science with honors in Health Sciences.
Although there is no cure for OA, it can be effectively managed by adhering to the measures outlined on this website. It is anticipated that those who visit this website to learn about OA and what can be done to prevent or maintain it will surely benefit from these recommendations and life-style changes.