List of References

This website has been emphasized by significant medical diagnoses in the context of osteoarthritis, life-style changes, exercise & nutrition highlighting the value of human experiences supported by both personal experience, professional medical advise and authoritative references.

While the material on this website does not aim to offer comprehensive medical information, as the author is not a Doctor – it draws upon a time frame since two thousand and fifteen to present, with continuation in these fields, encompassing a passion for these experiences with extensive research on the topics mentioned.

Karen is a graduate student at Master’s level in Kinesiology and has previously completed designated certificate courses as a Certified Nutrition Coach, CNC, Certified Exercise Specialist, CES along with Harvard Medical School Nutrition & Exercise specialist certificates. She also holds a Bachelor of Science with honors in Health Sciences.

Exercise Is MedicineKeep MovingHelps to keep OA at Bay...

500+ Million

People Affected with OA


Are Females

Over 65 Years

Not many women in their 40’s

The Ultimate Guide To Osteoarthritis